PoxNora Guide Wiki

What are you doing! The demon's gonna kill you for shooting his pet! -- Target practice! Don't worry, it likes it. - Nefari Scout to a Bok Archer

Stats Basic Info

Damage: 9
Speed: 6
Range: 1
Defense: 1
Hit Points: 54
Nora Cost: 70

Faction: Underdepths
Race: Demon
Race: Mutant
Class: None
Size: 1x1
Expansion: Shattered Peaks Expansion
Artist: Layne Johnson

Abilities Upgrade set 1 Upgrade set 2

Arrow Eater
Attack: Physical

Damage Shield: Physical 1
Damage Shield: Physical 2
Damage Shield: Physical 3

Damage Aura 1
Damage Aura 2
Damage Aura 3

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Pages which mention Pincushion
