PoxNora Guide Wiki

The soft-skins had one thing right; to defend your homeland, you do what's needed. If you need a better weapon, you make one. - Faerik, Draksar Rocketeer

Draksar Rocketeer
Stats Basic Info

Damage: 10
Speed: 6
Range: 6-8
Defense: 0
Hit Points: 42
Nora Cost: 72

Faction: Sundered Lands
Race: Draksar
Class: Ranger
Size: 1x1
Expansion: Rise of Serkan
Artist: Jakub Kasper

Abilities Upgrade set 1 Upgrade set 2

Attack: Cannon
Regeneration 2

Ammunition 1
Ammunition 2
Ammunition 3

Explosive Attack 1
Explosive Attack 2
Explosive Attack 3

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